> discover the secret to a perpetual marriage
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Avoid The Costly Mistake Of Marrying A Wrong Choice Of Spouse

Many ladies and men today have failed to understand that the most delicate journey or venture a man or a woman can embark upon in life is the journey of marriage. This venture is very much delicate and flexible like a ribbon in nature. Many have lost their lives as a result of their nonchalant attitude towards it, while many homes have been broken as a result of that, and we keep on seeing young couples being plagued with diver kinds of marital problems that is beyond their reasoning and they keep on asking why? Well the reason is because they have failed to secure their marital future based on a solid foundation, that is why they have been so disappointed by the challenges they faced in their relationships. The startling part of the story is that these people had been the sole architect of their lives, solely responsible for the wrong choice they had taken. Do you know that if you do not make a try and secure your marital future today, you could also experience what eminent personalities of marital failures had experienced? What then is the answer? Discover the secret of a happy marriage is just the timely e-book for both singles and the married in the society. An e-book that is designed to meet the needs of every marital and relationship problem globally is being presented to you on this domicile. For your own copy you can contact us-- lytecamazon@gmail.com or call @ +2348100433153 You can also log on to our blog @ www.quitdivorce.blogspot.comRemember your peace in your relationship is our success and concern.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Benefit Of Genuine Love

Most of the things that characterize the venture of getting a spouse today is the assessment of outward virtues which can be otherwise considered as beauty, good speech making, good and presentable bodily structure, and the acquisition or ability to amass wealth in life. All these features seem to have been the major virtues that both men and women are seeking after to determine who will eventually be their lifetime spouse.
The most important thing which men have generally forgotten about the issue of marriage is that it does not matter how beautiful the person a man marries is, or how rich the person may be, these outward features will never guarantee your future success and neither will it help you scale through any hurdles of life.

To get your own copy of this detailed publication, you can e-mail us @ lytecamazon@gmail.com or call us on +2348100433153.
Remember, at fx rudiments your peace in your relationship is our concern.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The blessed promises of marriage for singles

For the sake of many believers out there who are challenged with finding their missing ribs. Those who have been serving in the household of the lord faithfully, to whom it seems as if God has forgotten, I will like to say without any shadow of doubt that he has not forgotten you and there is hope for you as well.

I will like to consider a character in the scripture which will enable us to see the clear picture and plan of God for us concerning marriage. I consider the case of Isaac the only son and the recommended child of father Abraham. “And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the lord had blessed Abraham in all things. And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that rule over all that he had, put, I pray thee thy hand under my thigh: And I will make thee swear by the lord the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shall not take a wife for my son of the daughters of the cannanites among whom I dwell: But thou shall go unto my country, and to my kindred , and take a wife unto my son” (Gen 24:1-4)kjv. This was the request of father Abraham concerning his son Isaac about getting a wife and not just a wife but a Godly wife: That his servant would not marry of any of the daughters of the cannanites for his son but would rather travel several distances to his native country to find him a wife there.

These passages of the scripture convey a lot of powerful messages concerning marriage. Despite the fact that this event took place several years ago, in a period whereby if anybody decides to marry without God’s counsel little or nothing would be said of him. Yet we could see a powerful passage of a scripture like this, opening our eyes and giving us a guideline about how we can go about getting married under the will of God.

Before I go into in-depth explanation of the passage, I will like to continue with the same chapter of the scripture from verse 10 “And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed for all the goods of his master were in his hand: and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia unto the city of nahor. And he made his camels there to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to draw water. And he said, o lord God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham. Behold I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water: And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink, and she shall say , drink, I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master” 10-14 kjv

Now to connect the first passage and the second passage of the scripture, there are many things we will discover.

  1. Determination to marry Godly woman. Abraham had known that the women of cannanite were adulterous and idolatrous. He new marrying amidst of them for Isaac could hamper the promises of God for his and the future posterity. He also knew the fact that before you could be the beloved of God you must be at the very center of the will of God. So what this place is telling us today is that we must not be seeking the living among the dead. As a believer, God expects you to look for Godly men and women to marry in his will. Stop praying about a particular famous personality in your church who does not even know the bearing of the word of God.
  2. Isaac who was to marry was a servant of God. We can see the confirmation of the phenomenon that Isaac was the servant of God in the fourteenth verse of our text. This implies that a fornicator cannot see the will of God in marriage. I pity some brethren, they have particular sin their lives, and they are praying for the will of God on marriage. Well I say it will be impossible because he cannot cast his pearls before the swine. In order to receive quick and considerable answer to your prayer for the will of God in marriage, you must be free from all sins especially the sin of sexuality.
  3. The demonstration of faith. If we read the beginning of the second passage, we will see where it is written that Abraham’s servant was in charge of all that Abraham had. This could easily influence him by making use of canal method in selecting wife for Isaac because has money. But we discover that he never embark on such a canal course. Of course the servant could have thought of enticing just any of the ladies found at the river side with material goods despite her beauty. You know this has been the order of the day almost in every church but I pray you will never be part of them in Jesus name. Imagine if the servant of a man of God could pray and he is being answered instantaneously,. You as a child of God, not a slave but a child would pray and God would answer by fire in Jesus name. But beware! Do not be mechanical in your search of a spouse to marry.
  4. Calmness and total surrenderedness. We can see this virtue exhibited by the servant of Abraham in verses twelve to fourteen of the text (Gen 20) He surrendered everything into the hands of God. He never thought of maneuvering things for himself, neither did he think of applying human sense in deciding who would possibly follow him to marry his master’s son.
  5. The mystery of destined spouse. You as a child of God, saved and sanctified, there is a destined partner meant for you and you only; and for you not to be deprived of a great blessing like this you must rely on God for giving you a spouse not worldly or canal method. We consider the fourteenth verse of the text again it says “And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink, and she shall say , drink, I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master” in the latter part of this passage, you see the word appointed. That is exactly what I am talking about. In today’s understanding and contemporary language, what the servant meant was that “oh God I know there is a particular person you have appointed for Isaac to marry and I know that no matter what may be happening, inasmuch I am believing in God for miracle I know that he will surely show me the right person today” I pray that the Lord will open your mind of understanding to tap into this rhema in Jesus name.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The danger in choosing the wrong partner

As single brothers and sisters, there have to be great deal of caution exercised while searching or choosing a life partner. Because it constitutes the issues of life and death, therefore one must not handle the choice of choosing a spouse carelessly. As a single brother and sister, you must understand that this junction is very much imperative in life which you could consider as a venture and before you can succeed in it all spiritual senses of yours must be well articulated.

Most of the problems today in Christian families so to say are caused as a result of choosing the wrong partner. This particular problem constitutes about 95% of problems experience in Christian homes today; and except God has mercy on them they would not be able to scale through in the course of life.

The act of choosing the wrong partner is not peculiar to contemporary Christians. We can also find the example of that in the Bible, considering the character of Samson and Delilah in the book of judges. Who married the daughter of the philistines, those whom God had commanded the children of Israel never to marry either by giving their daughters in marriage or their male child seeking for the hand of their daughter in marriage. Of course you could see what ended the life of a once dexterous and conquering Samson. He was betrayed by the same woman he married from the philistines and suffered a shameful fate in the hands of their lords.

The kind of fate suffered by Samson is what anybody who chooses a wrong partner today symbolically experiences. That is why you discover that a newly wedded couple is tired of their union within a very little period of time they spend together and are seeking to file for divorce. That is why we discover a great deal of wickedness and hatred in Christian homes today, where there is supposed to be love and hospitality. Wives do not respect their husbands again neither are the husbands faithful to their wives anymore. The union that is meant and designed to bring joy to each of the partner has turned to be bitterness and sorrow. Except they both identify their mistakes and go back to Calvary for remission of their sins, they can never make it to heaven.

The danger and sorrow inherent in choosing a wrong partner cannot be uttered or quantified. It is like a dart fired at a man’s heart or a deep fresh wound punctured with a sharp pointed nail. It grieves me a lot when some believers think that they can marry anyhow without the leading of God; or that they could choose their spouses with a canal mind and view without any due protocol observed.

We must always understand the fact that we are new creatures in Christ Jesus and as a result of that we must not conform to the world in choosing life partners. We are to adhere to all what God has said concerning the choosing of life partner and marriage because it is instituted by God.

For more information about us and how to choose a life partner without any mistake contact us lytecamazon@gmail.com or call us on +2348100433153

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Are you there and have been abused by spouse or cheated by family members and relations, Looking for a way out? थे ओनली वे आउट इस थ्रौघ Jesus