> discover the secret to a perpetual marriage: Is divorce the answer?
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Is divorce the answer?

For about few decades now, we have been witnessing an avalanche rate of divorce in the united states. In spite of the much awareness that have been given to couples about the danger inherent in seeking solace in divorce as the best option to their marital problems,yet the rate of divorce still increases unprecedentedly.
Considering the rate at which it increases and the distributive rate. I could say the actual result for this might be easily fathom notwithstanding we still have series of represented data that give a very close statistics of the issue in consideration.
From our research, we discover that the percentage rate of divorce in the U.S has increased up to about 50% which amount for the total sum of 11% of men and 27.6% of women under the age of 20, 36.6% for women and 38.8% for men above 24 years of age, 36.6% for women and 38.8% for men between the age range of 25 to 29, 8.5% for men and 11.6% for women between the age range of 30 to 34, and 5.1% for women, while 6.5% goes for women between the age range of 35 to 39.
If we take a thorough scrutiny of these statistics provided above you will discover that it is uncalled for and should be seriously harnessed before we start experiencing uncontrollable situations here in the states.
Talking about the factors that could be constituting the numerous case of divorce in different levels in the states. Sometimes we discover that these are factors that do not call for much attention yet we see several numbers of couple using this as an excuse to file for divorce.
We have minute situations like differences in diets, differences in background beliefs and personal idiosyncrasies, interpersonal clothing preferences i.e (of husband for wife and vice versa) and self imposition. If we will carefully verify all these factors thoroughly, we will arrive at the fact that they do not worth filing divorce for. A woman who is married to a man having differences in background or beliefs can successfully live with her spouse without any form of divorce, though the way she addresses situations and matters would determine the rate of her success in the course of her predicaments.
By the barely listings of these factors and explaining some of them like I just did does not signify that i am trying to undermine any other reasons in which some couples may be having which might be strong before going into divorce. However, I will like to say that it is better that you avoid what we call divorce because it would not help you at all. I am not saying that because of certain property in which you might loose to your wife if you are a man. I am saying because of your future, especially if your marriage is blessed with children. You must not stand the thought of having your children being brought up by a single parent when both of you as parents are still alive.
Your children are your products and otherwise known as representative and heirs. When you die they inherit you and live on your name. It is how these children are brought up in their teenage years that would determine the of their success and how responsible they would be in the future. I am as well very sure that you desire grown up responsible successful adults as children, if so why wouldn't you stay away from divorce today and if you have undergone any it is not too late you can solve it.

For more information and practical way of avoiding divorce, manage a workable marriage life and win back your spouse contact us on +2348100433153 or e-mail us @ lytecamazon@gmail.com

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